Exercise 1 : Cholera deaths in London, 1854

Session 2


Kim Antunez, François Briatte

Download datasets on your computer

  1. cholera-fatalities.csv
  2. cholera-streets.csv
  3. cholera-pumps.csv

Put them a subfolder called data in your working directory.

Load data

First, set your working directory:

setwd("C:/Desktop/DSR/Session 2")

Then, use the read.csv function to load the 3 following datasets and use the head function to preview them.

repository <- "data"

To understand what does the paste0 function does, do:


It concatenates 2 strings, below the subfolder data with the names of the datasets, separated with \.

# read in the cholera deaths data
fatalities <- read.csv(paste0(repository, "/cholera-fatalities.csv"))
### Equivalent to 
# fatalities <- read.csv("data/cholera-fatalities.csv")
  case         x         y
1    1 13.588010 11.095600
2    2  9.813148 12.502140
3    3 14.695020 10.126840
4    4 15.220570  9.993003
5    5 13.162650 12.963190
6    6 13.778030  8.864945
# read in the London streets data
streets <- read.csv(paste0(repository, "/cholera-streets.csv"))
  street n        x        y
1      1 2 16.73800 18.69600
2      1 2 17.66000 18.71200
3      2 2 14.46200 18.65500
4      2 2 16.73800 18.69600
5      3 2 12.79388 18.61613
6      3 2 14.46200 18.65500
# read in the water pumps data
pumps <- read.csv(paste0(repository, "/cholera-pumps.csv"))
  pump          label         x        y
1    1  Oxford Market  8.651201 17.89160
2    2    Castle St E 10.984780 18.51785
3    3   Oxford St #1 13.378190 17.39454
4    4   Oxford St #2 14.879830 17.80992
5    5 Gt Marlborough  8.694768 14.90547
6    6   Crown Chapel  8.864416 12.75354

Explore the datasets

Question 1

How many deaths listed in the fatalities dataset ?

Use nrow(dataset).

[1] 578
Question 2

You will need the ggplot2 library. install and load it.

Use install.packages(library).

Use library(library).


Look how you plot the streets

ggplot() +
  geom_line(data = streets, aes(x = x, y = y, group = street)) +

Question 3

Plot both the deaths in red in addition to the streets.

Use ggplot2::geom_point function. Look at the color parameter to print them in red.

ggplot() +
  geom_line(data = streets, aes(x = x, y = y, group = street)) +
  geom_point(data = fatalities, aes(x = x, y = y), color = "red") +

Question 4

Add the pumps in green.

Use another ggplot2::geom_point function and try different parameters such as color, size and alpha

p <- ggplot() +
  geom_line(data = streets, aes(x = x, y = y, group = street)) +
  geom_point(data = fatalities, aes(x = x, y = y), color = "red") +
  geom_point(data = pumps, aes(x = x, y = y), 
             color = "green", size = 10, alpha = 1/2) +


Look how to remove extra plot elements

p +




Data sources