Exercise 2: European Election Study 2019

Session 4


Kim Antunez, François Briatte

This is a demo of (slightly complex) data management, also showing how to use regular expressions and apply survey weights.

Download datasets on your computer

  1. ZA7581_v1-0-0.dta

  2. ZA7581_cp.csv

Load data and install useful packages

library(tidyverse) # {dplyr}, {ggplot2}, {readxl}, {stringr}, {tidyr}, etc.
repository <- "data"
# Load Survey
dta <- haven::read_dta(paste0(repository,"/ZA7581_v1-0-0.dta"))
# A tibble: 6 × 129
  za_nr version  doi   respid serial hCountry countrycode region    region_NUTS1
  <dbl> <chr>    <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl+lb> <dbl+lbl>   <dbl+lbl> <chr>       
1  7581 1.0.0 (… doi:…   7762 1.00e8 1 [Aust… 1040 [Aust… 108 [Nie… AT1         
2  7581 1.0.0 (… doi:…   7801 1.00e8 1 [Aust… 1040 [Aust… 108 [Nie… AT1         
3  7581 1.0.0 (… doi:…   7904 1.00e8 1 [Aust… 1040 [Aust… 102 [Tir… AT3         
4  7581 1.0.0 (… doi:…   9223 1.00e8 1 [Aust… 1040 [Aust… 109 [Wie… AT1         
5  7581 1.0.0 (… doi:…   9338 1.00e8 1 [Aust… 1040 [Aust… 102 [Tir… AT3         
6  7581 1.0.0 (… doi:…     99 1.00e8 1 [Aust… 1040 [Aust… 108 [Nie… AT1         
# ℹ 120 more variables: region_NUTS2 <chr>, region_NUTS3 <chr>, Q1_1 <chr>,
#   noanswerQ1 <dbl+lbl>, Q2 <dbl+lbl>, Q2n <dbl+lbl>, Q2_EES <dbl+lbl>,
#   Q3 <dbl+lbl>, Q4 <dbl+lbl>, Q5 <dbl+lbl>, Q6 <dbl+lbl>, Q7 <dbl+lbl>,
#   Q7n <dbl+lbl>, Q7_ees <dbl+lbl>, Q8 <dbl+lbl>, Q9 <dbl+lbl>, Q9n <dbl+lbl>,
#   Q9_ees <dbl+lbl>, q10_1 <dbl+lbl>, q10_2 <dbl+lbl>, q10_3 <dbl+lbl>,
#   q10_4 <dbl+lbl>, q10_5 <dbl+lbl>, q10_6 <dbl+lbl>, q10_7 <dbl+lbl>,
#   q10_8 <dbl+lbl>, q10_9 <dbl+lbl>, q10_10 <dbl+lbl>, Q11 <dbl+lbl>, …
#  Load Party List dataset
p <- readr::read_csv(paste0(repository,"/ZA7581_cp.csv"))
Rows: 426 Columns: 20
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr  (9): Coutnry_short, Region, Q10_PTV, Q13_left_right, Q24_EU, Party_name...
dbl (11): countrycode, Unifed_party_code, Q7, Q7n, Q2, Q2_EES, Q2n, Q9_Q25_E...

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
# A tibble: 6 × 20
  Coutnry_short countrycode Region Unifed_party_code Q10_PTV Q13_left_right
  <chr>               <dbl> <chr>              <dbl> <chr>   <chr>         
1 AT                   1040 <NA>                   1 Q10_1   Q13_1         
2 AT                   1040 <NA>                   2 Q10_2   Q13_2         
3 AT                   1040 <NA>                   3 Q10_3   Q13_3         
4 AT                   1040 <NA>                   4 Q10_4   Q13_4         
5 AT                   1040 <NA>                   5 Q10_5   Q13_5         
6 AT                   1040 <NA>                   6 Q10_6   Q13_6         
# ℹ 14 more variables: Q24_EU <chr>, Party_name_questionnaire <chr>,
#   `English name` <chr>, Q7_EES <chr>, Q7 <dbl>, Q7n <dbl>, Q2 <dbl>,
#   Q2_EES <dbl>, Q2n <dbl>, Q9_Q25_EES <dbl>, Q9 <dbl>, Q9n <dbl>, q25 <chr>,
#   Q25n <dbl>

Explore the datasets

Question 1

What is the number of occurrences of each country (country sample sizes) in the dta dataset ?

See dplyr::group_by and dplyr::count which works like dplyr::summarise but without having to specify the function (sum etc.)

# country sample sizes
dta %>% 
  group_by(countrycode) %>%
# A tibble: 28 × 2
# Groups:   countrycode [28]
   countrycode           n
   <dbl+lbl>         <int>
 1 1040 [Austria]     1000
 2 1056 [Belgium]     1000
 3 1110 [Bulgaria]    1016
 4 1191 [Croatia]     1008
 5 1196 [Cyprus]       501
 6 1203 [Czech Rep.]  1000
 7 1208 [Denmark]     1000
 8 1233 [Estonia]     1000
 9 1246 [Finland]     1000
10 1250 [France]      1000
# ℹ 18 more rows
Question 2

Inspect coding of Questions 10_* (probability to vote for given party).


  • dplyr::select to select variables starting with q10 (see also dplyr::starts_with)
  • haven::print_labels on the q10_7 variable
# Select data column
dta %>% select(starts_with("q10")) %>% head()
# A tibble: 6 × 10
  q10_1          q10_2    q10_3 q10_4 q10_5   q10_6   q10_7    q10_8    q10_9   
  <dbl+lbl>      <dbl+lb> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl+l> <dbl+l> <dbl+lb> <dbl+lb> <dbl+lb>
1 6 [6]           6 [6]   6 [6] 6 [6] 0 [0 n… 6 [6]   96 [Ite… 96 [Ite… 96 [Ite…
2 2 [2]           1 [1]   8 [8] 6 [6] 0 [0 n… 7 [7]   96 [Ite… 96 [Ite… 96 [Ite…
3 4 [4]           5 [5]   5 [5] 8 [8] 0 [0 n… 3 [3]   96 [Ite… 96 [Ite… 96 [Ite…
4 6 [6]           8 [8]   3 [3] 7 [7] 0 [0 n… 0 [0 n… 96 [Ite… 96 [Ite… 96 [Ite…
5 0 [0 not at a… 10 [10 … 5 [5] 3 [3] 0 [0 n… 0 [0 n… 96 [Ite… 96 [Ite… 96 [Ite…
6 4 [4]           3 [3]   7 [7] 6 [6] 4 [4]   2 [2]   96 [Ite… 96 [Ite… 96 [Ite…
# ℹ 1 more variable: q10_10 <dbl+lbl>
# inspect coding

 value                     label
     0     0 not at all probable
     1                         1
     2                         2
     3                         3
     4                         4
     5                         5
     6                         6
     7                         7
     8                         8
     9                         9
    10          10 very probable
    96 Item not asked in country
    97                   Refusal
    98       Dont know the party
Question 3

Preview a reshape from ‘wide’ to ‘long’ like below.

# A tibble: 6 × 2
  party q10                      
  <chr> <dbl+lbl>                
1 q10_1 6 [6]                    
2 q10_2 6 [6]                    
3 q10_3 6 [6]                    
4 q10_4 6 [6]                    
5 q10_5 0 [0 not at all probable]
6 q10_6 6 [6]                    

Use tidyr::pivot_longer(everything(), ...

dta %>% 
  select(starts_with("Q10_")) %>%
  tidyr::pivot_longer(everything(), names_to = "party", values_to = "q10") %>% 

We apply the following transformation

d <- dta %>%
  # select respondent and country identifiers, plus Q10_* responses
  select(respid:countrycode, starts_with("Q10_")) %>%
  # reshape from 'wide' to 'long' format
  pivot_longer(starts_with("Q10"), names_to = "party", values_to = "q10") %>%
  # recode response items above 10 as missing
  mutate(q10 = if_else(q10 > 10, NA_real_, as.numeric(q10)))

# A tibble: 6 × 6
  respid    serial hCountry    countrycode    party   q10
   <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl+lbl>   <dbl+lbl>      <chr> <dbl>
1   7762 100007762 1 [Austria] 1040 [Austria] q10_1     6
2   7762 100007762 1 [Austria] 1040 [Austria] q10_2     6
3   7762 100007762 1 [Austria] 1040 [Austria] q10_3     6
4   7762 100007762 1 [Austria] 1040 [Austria] q10_4     6
5   7762 100007762 1 [Austria] 1040 [Austria] q10_5     0
6   7762 100007762 1 [Austria] 1040 [Austria] q10_6     6
Question 4

What are the percentages of non-missing Q10_* responses by countrycode and party arranged by party?


  • dplyr::group_by
  • dplyr::arrange
  • dplyr::summarise
# percentages of non-missing Q10_* responses
d %>% 
  group_by(countrycode, party) %>%
  arrange(party) %>%
    n_total = n(),
    p_nonmissing = 100 * sum(!is.na(q10)) / n_total
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'countrycode'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 280 × 4
# Groups:   countrycode [28]
   countrycode    party  n_total p_nonmissing
   <dbl+lbl>      <chr>    <int>        <dbl>
 1 1040 [Austria] q10_1     1000         97.8
 2 1040 [Austria] q10_10    1000          0  
 3 1040 [Austria] q10_2     1000         98.2
 4 1040 [Austria] q10_3     1000         97.4
 5 1040 [Austria] q10_4     1000         98.5
 6 1040 [Austria] q10_5     1000         98  
 7 1040 [Austria] q10_6     1000         96.7
 8 1040 [Austria] q10_7     1000          0  
 9 1040 [Austria] q10_8     1000          0  
10 1040 [Austria] q10_9     1000          0  
# ℹ 270 more rows
# print(d, n = Inf)

Finally, we tidy the dataset p to keep only some renamed columns.

p <- p %>%
  # rename and rename variables (columns)
    country = Coutnry_short,
    partyname = "English name", # Party_name_questionnaire
    party = Q10_PTV,
    partycode = Q9_Q25_EES,
  ) %>%
  # subset to rows with non-missing countries
  filter(!is.na(countrycode)) %>%
  # keep only unique rows

p <- p %>% filter(!is.na(party))
# A tibble: 6 × 7
  country countrycode partyname                    party partycode Q7_EES Q2_EES
  <chr>         <dbl> <chr>                        <chr>     <dbl> <chr>   <dbl>
1 AT             1040 Austrian People's Party      Q10_1   1040520 10405… 1.04e6
2 AT             1040 Austrian Social Democratic … Q10_2   1040320 10403… 1.04e6
3 AT             1040 NEOS - The New Austria and … Q10_3   1040423 10404… 1.04e6
4 AT             1040 The Greens                   Q10_4   1040110 10401… 1.04e6
5 AT             1040 Austrian Freedom Party       Q10_5   1040420 10404… 1.04e6
6 AT             1040 Alliance for the Future of … Q10_6   1040600 10406… 1.04e6

REGular EXpressions (regex)

Here are quick demos of matching on regular expressions

p %>%
  filter(stringr::str_detect(partyname, "[Gg]reen|[Ee]colog"))
# A tibble: 16 × 7
   country countrycode partyname                   party partycode Q7_EES Q2_EES
   <chr>         <dbl> <chr>                       <chr>     <dbl> <chr>   <dbl>
 1 AT             1040 The Greens                  Q10_4   1040110 10401… 1.04e6
 2 BE             1056 Green                       Q10_6   1056112 10561… 1.06e6
 3 BE             1056 Ecologists                  Q10_4   1056111 10561… 1.06e6
 4 CY             1196 Ecological and Environment… Q10_5   1196110 <NA>   1.20e6
 5 DE             1276 Alliance 90 / The Greens    Q10_4   1276113 12761… 1.28e6
 6 DK             1208 Red-Green Unity List        Q10_6   1208220 12082… 1.21e6
 7 EE             1233 Estonian Greens             Q10_7   1233100 12331… 1.23e6
 8 FI             1246 Green Union                 Q10_5   1246110 12461… 1.25e6
 9 FR             1250 Europe Ecology - The Greens Q10_4   1250110 12501… 1.25e6
10 IE             1372 Green Party                 Q10_4   1372110 13721… 1.37e6
11 LV             1428 Green and Farmers' Union    Q10_6   1428110 14281… 1.43e6
12 LT             1440 Lithuanian Peasant and Gre… Q10_7   1440524 14405… 1.44e6
13 LU             1442 The Greens                  Q10_4   1442113 14421… 1.44e6
14 NL             1528 Green Left                  Q10_5   1528110 15281… 1.53e6
15 SE             1752 Green Ecology Party         Q10_3   1752110 17521… 1.75e6
16 UK             1826 Green Party                 Q10_4   1826110 18261… 1.83e6
p %>% 
  filter(stringr::str_detect(partyname, "[Gg]reen")) %>%
  select(country, partyname) %>%
  mutate(what = stringr::str_extract(partyname, "Green\\s\\w+")) %>%
# A tibble: 8 × 3
  country partyname                                                  what       
  <chr>   <chr>                                                      <chr>      
1 CY      Ecological and Environmental Movement (Cyprus Green Party) Green Party
2 DK      Red-Green Unity List                                       Green Unity
3 FI      Green Union                                                Green Union
4 IE      Green Party                                                Green Party
5 LV      Green and Farmers' Union                                   Green and  
6 NL      Green Left                                                 Green Left 
7 SE      Green Ecology Party                                        Green Ecol…
8 UK      Green Party                                                Green Party


We want to harmonize party codes.

We want to merge this…

d %>% select(countrycode, party, q10)
# A tibble: 265,380 × 3
   countrycode    party    q10
   <dbl+lbl>      <chr>  <dbl>
 1 1040 [Austria] q10_1      6
 2 1040 [Austria] q10_2      6
 3 1040 [Austria] q10_3      6
 4 1040 [Austria] q10_4      6
 5 1040 [Austria] q10_5      0
 6 1040 [Austria] q10_6      6
 7 1040 [Austria] q10_7     NA
 8 1040 [Austria] q10_8     NA
 9 1040 [Austria] q10_9     NA
10 1040 [Austria] q10_10    NA
# ℹ 265,370 more rows

… with that

p %>%  select(countrycode, party, partyname, partycode)
# A tibble: 208 × 4
   countrycode party partyname                                partycode
         <dbl> <chr> <chr>                                        <dbl>
 1        1040 Q10_1 Austrian People's Party                    1040520
 2        1040 Q10_2 Austrian Social Democratic Party           1040320
 3        1040 Q10_3 NEOS - The New Austria and Liberal Forum   1040423
 4        1040 Q10_4 The Greens                                 1040110
 5        1040 Q10_5 Austrian Freedom Party                     1040420
 6        1040 Q10_6 Alliance for the Future of Austria         1040600
 7        1056 Q10_1 Workers Party of Belgium                   1056325
 8        1056 Q10_2 Christian Democratic and Flemish Party     1056521
 9        1056 Q10_3 Socialist Party Different                  1056327
10        1056 Q10_4 Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats        1056421
# ℹ 198 more rows
Question 5

First, inspect countrycode and party in both p and d.

What do you observe and what solution to this problem can you find?

You can use unique(dataset$variable) to explore variable modalities.

Then, you can take a look at stringr::str_to_upper.

We have to transform d$party to get uppercases.

# inspect country codes
<labelled<double>[28]>: ISO country codes
 [1] 1040 1056 1110 1191 1196 1203 1208 1276 1233 1246 1250 1300 1348 1372 1380
[16] 1428 1440 1442 1470 1528 1616 1620 1642 1705 1703 1724 1752 1826

 value          label
  1040        Austria
  1056        Belgium
  1110       Bulgaria
  1191        Croatia
  1196         Cyprus
  1203     Czech Rep.
  1208        Denmark
  1233        Estonia
  1246        Finland
  1250         France
  1276        Germany
  1300         Greece
  1348        Hungary
  1372        Ireland
  1380          Italy
  1428         Latvia
  1440      Lithuania
  1442     Luxembourg
  1470          Malta
  1528    Netherlands
  1616         Poland
  1620       Portugal
  1642        Romania
  1703       Slovakia
  1705       Slovenia
  1724          Spain
  1752         Sweden
  1826 United Kingdom
 [1] 1040 1056 1110 1119 1196 1203 1276 1208 1233 1246 1250 1300 1348 1372 1380
[16] 1428 1440 1442 1470 1528 1616 1620 1642 1705 1703 1724 1752 1826
# parties
unique(p$party) # some of those will be dropped when merging
 [1] "Q10_1"                      "Q10_2"                     
 [3] "Q10_3"                      "Q10_4"                     
 [5] "Q10_5"                      "Q10_6"                     
 [7] "Q10_7"                      "Q10_8"                     
 [9] "Q10_9"                      "mean (Q10_1, Q10_2, Q10_3)"
[11] "mean (Q10_2, Q10_8)"       
unique(d$party) # some of those are have only missing values and will also go
 [1] "q10_1"  "q10_2"  "q10_3"  "q10_4"  "q10_5"  "q10_6"  "q10_7"  "q10_8" 
 [9] "q10_9"  "q10_10"
# solution to problem
d$party <- stringr::str_to_upper(d$party)

We have to remove Belgium because party names are not attached to a unique Q10_* identifier because of Wallonia and Flanders. Merging would cause duplicated rows in the result.

p <- p %>%
  filter(!country %in% "BE")
Question 6

inner_join the datasets p and d (by countrycode and party).

See dplyr::inner_join.

# A tibble: 6 × 6
  respid    serial hCountry    countrycode    party   q10
   <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl+lbl>   <dbl+lbl>      <chr> <dbl>
1   7762 100007762 1 [Austria] 1040 [Austria] Q10_1     6
2   7762 100007762 1 [Austria] 1040 [Austria] Q10_2     6
3   7762 100007762 1 [Austria] 1040 [Austria] Q10_3     6
4   7762 100007762 1 [Austria] 1040 [Austria] Q10_4     6
5   7762 100007762 1 [Austria] 1040 [Austria] Q10_5     0
6   7762 100007762 1 [Austria] 1040 [Austria] Q10_6     6
# A tibble: 6 × 7
  country countrycode partyname                    party partycode Q7_EES Q2_EES
  <chr>         <dbl> <chr>                        <chr>     <dbl> <chr>   <dbl>
1 AT             1040 Austrian People's Party      Q10_1   1040520 10405… 1.04e6
2 AT             1040 Austrian Social Democratic … Q10_2   1040320 10403… 1.04e6
3 AT             1040 NEOS - The New Austria and … Q10_3   1040423 10404… 1.04e6
4 AT             1040 The Greens                   Q10_4   1040110 10401… 1.04e6
5 AT             1040 Austrian Freedom Party       Q10_5   1040420 10404… 1.04e6
6 AT             1040 Alliance for the Future of … Q10_6   1040600 10406… 1.04e6
# inner merge party names with Q10 answers
ptv <- inner_join(d, p, by = c("countrycode", "party")) 
# A tibble: 6 × 11
  respid    serial hCountry  countrycode party   q10 country partyname partycode
   <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl+lbl> <dbl+lbl>   <chr> <dbl> <chr>   <chr>         <dbl>
1   7762 100007762 1 [Austr… 1040 [Aust… Q10_1     6 AT      Austrian…   1040520
2   7762 100007762 1 [Austr… 1040 [Aust… Q10_2     6 AT      Austrian…   1040320
3   7762 100007762 1 [Austr… 1040 [Aust… Q10_3     6 AT      NEOS - T…   1040423
4   7762 100007762 1 [Austr… 1040 [Aust… Q10_4     6 AT      The Gree…   1040110
5   7762 100007762 1 [Austr… 1040 [Aust… Q10_5     0 AT      Austrian…   1040420
6   7762 100007762 1 [Austr… 1040 [Aust… Q10_6     6 AT      Alliance…   1040600
# ℹ 2 more variables: Q7_EES <chr>, Q2_EES <dbl>

Tidy a little bit more:

ptv <- ptv %>%
  # group by country-party dyad
  group_by(country, countrycode, party, partyname, partycode) %>%
  # compute mean probability to vote, with sd
    mu_ptv = mean(q10, na.rm = TRUE),
    sd_ptv = sd(q10, na.rm = TRUE)
  ) %>%
  # sort by country and then PTV by descending order
  arrange(country, -mu_ptv)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'country', 'countrycode', 'party',
'partyname'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
Question 7

Check data for France

# data from respondent answers
d2 <- d %>% filter(hCountry == 11)
table(d2$party, d2$q10, exclude = NULL)
            0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10 <NA>
  Q10_1   318   65   74   83   67  123   54   65   46   27   48   30
  Q10_10    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 1000
  Q10_2   347   57   67   82   76  105   63   71   56   21   24   31
  Q10_3   446   38   44   37   39   67   59   33   46   35  124   32
  Q10_4   238   43   46   68   65  140   76  106   85   33   73   27
  Q10_5   439   59   61   59   52   92   49   54   35   17   40   43
  Q10_6   412   68   67   49   61   94   43   30   22   14   16  124
  Q10_7   372   58   47   45   45  106   56   45   69   43   81   33
  Q10_8     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 1000
  Q10_9     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 1000
# data from party dataset
p %>% filter(country == "FR")
# A tibble: 7 × 7
  country countrycode partyname                   party partycode Q7_EES  Q2_EES
  <chr>         <dbl> <chr>                       <chr>     <dbl> <chr>    <dbl>
1 FR             1250 The Republicans             Q10_1   1250626 1250626 1.25e6
2 FR             1250 Socialist Party             Q10_2   1250320 1250320 1.25e6
3 FR             1250 National Rally              Q10_3   1250720 1250720 1.25e6
4 FR             1250 Europe Ecology - The Greens Q10_4   1250110 1250110 1.25e6
5 FR             1250 Unbowed France              Q10_5   1250225 1250225 1.25e6
6 FR             1250 Generation.s, the movement  Q10_6   1250321 1250321 1.25e6
7 FR             1250 The Republic Onwards!       Q10_7   1250438 1250438 1.25e6
# merged results for French parties
ptv %>% filter(country == "FR")
# A tibble: 7 × 7
# Groups:   country, countrycode, party, partyname [7]
  country countrycode   party partyname                  partycode mu_ptv sd_ptv
  <chr>   <dbl+lbl>     <chr> <chr>                          <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
1 FR      1250 [France] Q10_4 Europe Ecology - The Gree…   1250110   4.32   3.30
2 FR      1250 [France] Q10_7 The Republic Onwards!        1250438   3.51   3.57
3 FR      1250 [France] Q10_3 National Rally               1250720   3.34   3.80
4 FR      1250 [France] Q10_1 The Republicans              1250626   3.31   3.16
5 FR      1250 [France] Q10_2 Socialist Party              1250320   3.11   3.04
6 FR      1250 [France] Q10_5 Unbowed France               1250225   2.64   3.12
7 FR      1250 [France] Q10_6 Generation.s, the movement   1250321   2.28   2.77

Survey weighting [OPTIONAL]

A small demo

# French respondents, voted in last (EU) election
dta %>% 
  filter(hCountry == 11) %>%
# A tibble: 3 × 2
  Q6                        n
  <dbl+lbl>             <int>
1  1 [Yes, voted]         700
2  2 [No, did not vote]   276
3 98 [Don't know]          24
# French respondents, party list voted for
dta %>% filter(hCountry == 11) %>%
# A tibble: 18 × 2
   Q7                                                                          n
   <dbl+lbl>                                                               <int>
 1    0 [did not vote]                                                       300
 2   90 [other party]                                                         29
 3   96 [did vote blanc or nil]                                               34
 4   98 [do not remember]                                                     23
 5 1101 [La liste de La France insoumise de Jean-Luc Mélanchon, menée par…    50
 6 1102 [La liste de la République en Marche et du MoDem, menée par Natha…   141
 7 1103 [La liste Patriote et Gilets jaunes, menée par Florian Philippot]      9
 8 1104 [La liste Urgence écologie, menée par Dominique Bourg]                12
 9 1105 [La liste du Parti socialiste et de Place publique, menée par Rap…    39
10 1106 [La liste Debout La France, menée par Nicolas Dupont-Aignan]          25
11 1107 [La liste Lutte Ouvrirère, menée par Nathalie Arthaud]                 4
12 1108 [La Liste du Parti communiste français, menée par Ian Brossat]        10
13 1109 [La liste pour le Frexit, menée par François Asselineau]               4
14 1110 [La liste Génération.s et Dème-Diem 25, menée par Benoît Hamon]       23
15 1111 [La liste du Rassemblement National de Marine Le Pen, menée par J…   141
16 1112 [La Liste Alliance jaune, menée par Francis Lalanne]                   9
17 1113 [La liste des Républicains, menée par François Xavier Bellamy]        64
18 1114 [La liste Europe Ecologie, menée par Yannick Jadot]                   83
# survey weights (EES documentation Appendix 3)
dta %>% select(starts_with("WGT"))
# A tibble: 26,538 × 5
    WGT1  WGT2  WGT3  WGT4  WGT5
   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 1.07  0.466 0.915 1.58  1.45 
 2 1.05  0.455 0.909 0.768 0.696
 3 0.867 0.455 0.854 1.58  1.09 
 4 1.07  0.553 0.988 1.58  1.52 
 5 0.817 0.455 0.748 0.768 0.576
 6 1.05  0.455 0.909 1.16  1.02 
 7 1.02  0.463 0.835 1.16  0.884
 8 0.928 0.463 1.56  0.639 0.855
 9 0.917 0.455 0.836 0.631 0.496
10 1.08  0.443 0.868 1.16  1.10 
# ℹ 26,528 more rows
# WGT5 adjusts weights to age/sex, urbanity, region, education
# + turnout (Q6) + recall (Q7)

# create a survey design object for French respondents
fra <- dta %>% filter(hCountry == 11) %>%
  # replace party codes with party names (labels)
  mutate(Q7 = droplevels(haven::as_factor(Q7))) %>%
  # weight using WGT5 (ids ~ 1 means that there is no PSU or strata)
  survey::svydesign(ids = ~ 1, weights = ~ WGT5, data = .)

# weighted vote responses, using the {survey} package
survey::svytotal(~ Q7, fra)
Q7did not vote                                                                   422.8775
Q7other party                                                                     17.9710
Q7did vote blanc or nil                                                           40.8829
Q7do not remember                                                                 35.0657
Q7La liste de La France insoumise de Jean-Luc Mélanchon, menée par Manon Aubry    31.6115
Q7La liste de la République en Marche et du MoDem, menée par Nathalie Loiseau    112.2196
Q7La liste Patriote et Gilets jaunes, menée par Florian Philippot                 10.3498
Q7La liste Urgence écologie, menée par Dominique Bourg                            10.7089
Q7La liste du Parti socialiste et de Place publique, menée par Raphaël Glucksman  31.0348
Q7La liste Debout La France, menée par Nicolas Dupont-Aignan                      17.6310
Q7La liste Lutte Ouvrirère, menée par Nathalie Arthaud                             3.3237
Q7La Liste du Parti communiste français, menée par Ian Brossat                    12.4710
Q7La liste pour le Frexit, menée par François Asselineau                           4.0409
Q7La liste Génération.s et Dème-Diem 25, menée par Benoît Hamon                   16.3582
Q7La liste du Rassemblement National de Marine Le Pen, menée par Jordan Bardella 116.8896
Q7La Liste Alliance jaune, menée par Francis Lalanne                               6.5118
Q7La liste des Républicains, menée par François Xavier Bellamy                    42.5182
Q7La liste Europe Ecologie, menée par Yannick Jadot                               67.5339
Q7did not vote                                                                   67.2959
Q7other party                                                                     8.5136
Q7did vote blanc or nil                                                          11.9653
Q7do not remember                                                                11.6320
Q7La liste de La France insoumise de Jean-Luc Mélanchon, menée par Manon Aubry    8.0567
Q7La liste de la République en Marche et du MoDem, menée par Nathalie Loiseau    16.4559
Q7La liste Patriote et Gilets jaunes, menée par Florian Philippot                 7.2598
Q7La liste Urgence écologie, menée par Dominique Bourg                            4.6131
Q7La liste du Parti socialiste et de Place publique, menée par Raphaël Glucksman  7.9570
Q7La liste Debout La France, menée par Nicolas Dupont-Aignan                      5.7106
Q7La liste Lutte Ouvrirère, menée par Nathalie Arthaud                            2.6141
Q7La Liste du Parti communiste français, menée par Ian Brossat                    4.6142
Q7La liste pour le Frexit, menée par François Asselineau                          2.1652
Q7La liste Génération.s et Dème-Diem 25, menée par Benoît Hamon                   4.5655
Q7La liste du Rassemblement National de Marine Le Pen, menée par Jordan Bardella 26.1978
Q7La Liste Alliance jaune, menée par Francis Lalanne                              3.1291
Q7La liste des Républicains, menée par François Xavier Bellamy                   15.6058
Q7La liste Europe Ecologie, menée par Yannick Jadot                              15.0317
# weighted vote responses, using the {srvyr} package
srvyr::as_survey(fra) %>%
# A tibble: 18 × 3
   Q7                                                                    n  n_se
   <fct>                                                             <dbl> <dbl>
 1 did not vote                                                     423.   67.3 
 2 other party                                                       18.0   8.51
 3 did vote blanc or nil                                             40.9  12.0 
 4 do not remember                                                   35.1  11.6 
 5 La liste de La France insoumise de Jean-Luc Mélanchon, menée pa…  31.6   8.06
 6 La liste de la République en Marche et du MoDem, menée par Nath… 112.   16.5 
 7 La liste Patriote et Gilets jaunes, menée par Florian Philippot   10.3   7.26
 8 La liste Urgence écologie, menée par Dominique Bourg              10.7   4.61
 9 La liste du Parti socialiste et de Place publique, menée par Ra…  31.0   7.96
10 La liste Debout La France, menée par Nicolas Dupont-Aignan        17.6   5.71
11 La liste Lutte Ouvrirère, menée par Nathalie Arthaud               3.32  2.61
12 La Liste du Parti communiste français, menée par Ian Brossat      12.5   4.61
13 La liste pour le Frexit, menée par François Asselineau             4.04  2.17
14 La liste Génération.s et Dème-Diem 25, menée par Benoît Hamon     16.4   4.57
15 La liste du Rassemblement National de Marine Le Pen, menée par … 117.   26.2 
16 La Liste Alliance jaune, menée par Francis Lalanne                 6.51  3.13
17 La liste des Républicains, menée par François Xavier Bellamy      42.5  15.6 
18 La liste Europe Ecologie, menée par Yannick Jadot                 67.5  15.0 


Data sources

Schmitt, Hermann, Hobolt, Sara B., Brug, Wouter van der, & Popa, Sebastian A. (2022). European Parliament Election Study 2019, Voter Study. GESIS, Cologne. ZA7581 Data file Version 2.0.1, https://doi.org/10.4232/1.13846.