Exercise 1: Social democratic capitalism (Kenworthy)

Session 7


Kim Antunez, François Briatte

This notebook replicates selected figures from Lane Kenworthy’s book, illustrating linear (and nonlinear) correlation while doing so.

Download datasets on your computer

  1. sdc-fig2.5.tsv

  2. sdc-fig8.11.tsv

  3. sdc-fig2.23.tsv

Load data and install useful packages

library(tidyverse) # {dplyr}, {ggplot2}, {readxl}, {stringr}, {tidyr}, etc.
repository <- "data"

Load the data of the 3 following plots:

# Fig. 2.5: relative poverty and welfare states, 2010-2016
fig25 <- readr::read_tsv(paste0(repository, "/sdc-fig2.5.tsv"))
Rows: 21 Columns: 4
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: "\t"
chr (2): country, countryabbr_nordic
dbl (2): relativepoverty_2010to2016, publicsocexpends_1980to2015_adj2

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
head(fig25, 10)
# A tibble: 10 × 4
   country   countryabbr_nordic relativepoverty_2010to2…¹ publicsocexpends_198…²
   <chr>     <chr>                                  <dbl>                  <dbl>
 1 Australia Asl                                     21.3                   11.3
 2 Austria   Aus                                     14.6                   20.0
 3 Belgium   Bel                                     17.7                   17.0
 4 Canada    Can                                     20.3                   10.4
 5 Denmark   *Den*                                   12.5                   17.4
 6 Finland   *Fin*                                   14.1                   17.6
 7 France    Fr                                      14.4                   17.1
 8 Germany   Ger                                     15.7                   14.4
 9 Ireland   Ire                                     16.5                   11.1
10 Italy     It                                      19.4                   14.3
# ℹ abbreviated names: ¹​relativepoverty_2010to2016,
#   ²​publicsocexpends_1980to2015_adj2
# Fig. 8.11: US Democratic party affiliation advantage by generation, 1972-2016
fig811 <- readr::read_tsv(paste0(repository, "/sdc-fig8.11.tsv"))
Rows: 31 Columns: 5
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: "\t"
dbl (5): year, silent_dem_adv, babyboom_dem_adv, genx_dem_adv, millennial_de...

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
print(fig811, n = Inf)
# A tibble: 31 × 5
    year silent_dem_adv babyboom_dem_adv genx_dem_adv millennial_dem_adv
   <dbl>          <dbl>            <dbl>        <dbl>              <dbl>
 1  1972         29.1             35.7          NA                  NA  
 2  1973         28.2             23.8          NA                  NA  
 3  1974         35.1             32.1          NA                  NA  
 4  1975         24               36.7          NA                  NA  
 5  1976         33               29.1          NA                  NA  
 6  1977         29.9             31.5          NA                  NA  
 7  1978         20.5             20.3          NA                  NA  
 8  1980         22.6             22.7          NA                  NA  
 9  1982         20.5             20.6          NA                  NA  
10  1983         13.6             15.7          NA                  NA  
11  1984         18.3             13.8          NA                  NA  
12  1985         16.6             -0.100       -12.4                NA  
13  1986         18                9.5          -9.40               NA  
14  1987         18.9              7.70         -9.20               NA  
15  1988         11.4             10.9           4.40               NA  
16  1989         10.5              2.70         -6                  NA  
17  1990         13.5             -0.600       -11.6                NA  
18  1991          2.90             4.10        -15.3                NA  
19  1993          0.800           13.2          -4.30               NA  
20  1994          7.20             8.30          1.90               NA  
21  1996          4.10             4.80          5.80               NA  
22  1998         11                6.5          13.2                NA  
23  2000          6.10            10.9           3.70               NA  
24  2002          2.10             6.20          7.40               15.6
25  2004          4                3.90          2.30               26.5
26  2006          5.80             8.90          5.80               12.8
27  2008          2.90             9.60         16.3                25.6
28  2010         16.5             10.1          11.3                18.4
29  2012          9.60            14.2          11.6                21.8
30  2014          3.5             11.5          12.7                18.9
31  2016          7.30            10.8          11.3                22.2
# Fig. 2.23: public social expenditure in Denmark, 1890-2016
fig223 <- readr::read_tsv(paste0(repository, "/sdc-fig2.23.tsv"))
Rows: 127 Columns: 5
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: "\t"
chr (1): country
dbl (4): year, gdppc, gdppc_log, publicsocexpends

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
head(fig223, 10)
# A tibble: 10 × 5
   country  year gdppc gdppc_log publicsocexpends
   <chr>   <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 Denmark  1890  4534      8.42             1.11
 2 Denmark  1891  4591      8.43            NA   
 3 Denmark  1892  4668      8.45            NA   
 4 Denmark  1893  4723      8.46            NA   
 5 Denmark  1894  4775      8.47            NA   
 6 Denmark  1895  4978      8.51            NA   
 7 Denmark  1896  5095      8.54            NA   
 8 Denmark  1897  5144      8.55            NA   
 9 Denmark  1898  5156      8.55            NA   
10 Denmark  1899  5304      8.58            NA   

Step 1: understand linear correlation coefficients

Look at the following data preparation:

fig25 <- fig25 %>% 
    iso3c = countrycode::countrycode(country, "country.name", "iso3c"),
    region = countrycode::countrycode(country, "country.name", "region"),
    nordic = stringr::str_detect(countryabbr_nordic, "\\*"),
    europe = stringr::str_detect(region, "^Europe"),
    location = case_when(
      nordic ~ "Nordic",
      europe ~ "Europe",
      TRUE ~ "World"
  ) %>% 
  dplyr::select(country, iso3c, region, europe, nordic, location,
         poverty = relativepoverty_2010to2016,
         welfare = publicsocexpends_1980to2015_adj2)
Question 1

Do the following plot which distinguishes Nordic countries.

See ggplot2::geom_smooth and ggplot2::geom_text and columns poverty and welfare.

The ggplot2::scale_color_manual function helps you to choose the colors you want to use.

ggplot(fig25, aes(y = poverty, x = welfare)) +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
  geom_text(aes(label = iso3c, colour = nordic)) +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("TRUE" = "steelblue", "FALSE" = "black"))
Question 2

Do the following plot which distinguishes Nordic and European countries

The ggplot2::scale_color_brewer is another way to choose colors, using palettes.

ggplot(fig25, aes(y = poverty, x = welfare)) +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
  geom_text(aes(label = iso3c, colour = location)) +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1")
Question 3

What are the pearson correlation coefficients?

Simply use the cor function.

cor(fig25$poverty, fig25$welfare)
[1] -0.7402858
# equivalent syntax
with(fig25, cor(poverty, welfare)) 
[1] -0.7402858
Question 4

What are the correlations for the following subgroups:

  • Not nordic countries
  • European countries
  • Countries outside Europe

Still use the cor function but think of filtering your dataset before!

with(fig25 %>% filter(!nordic), cor(poverty, welfare))
[1] -0.7050716
with(fig25 %>% filter(location == "Europe"), cor(poverty, welfare))
[1] -0.6183079
with(filter(fig25, location == "World"), cor(poverty, welfare))
[1] -0.3856957
#Note that in presence of missing data, you will need to use options to select #between pairwise and listwise deletion; what we used above equates to this:
cor(fig25$poverty, fig25$welfare, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
[1] -0.7402858

Step 2: Understand pairwise v. listwise case deletion

Look how you remove ‘Democratic advantage’ abbreviation from column names:

fig811 <- fig811 %>% rename_all(~ stringr::str_remove(.x, "_dem_adv"))

Write the code to visualize the following time series:

ggplot(pivot_longer(fig811, -year, names_to = "generation") %>% 
         mutate(generation = stringr::str_remove(generation, "_dem_adv")),
       aes(year, value, colour = generation)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, lty = "dashed") +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method = "loess", se = FALSE)
`geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
Warning: Removed 34 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
Warning: Removed 34 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range

Question 5

How are all series correlated?

Still use the cor function.

  • use = "everything" (default) includes all variables in the correlation matrix, treating missing values as NA.
  • use = "pairwise" maximizes the use of available data for each pair of variables, making the most of the available information.
  • use = "complete" excludes variables with any missing values from the correlation matrix.
round(cor(fig811), 2)
            year silent babyboom genx millennial
year        1.00  -0.79    -0.62   NA         NA
silent     -0.79   1.00     0.77   NA         NA
babyboom   -0.62   0.77     1.00   NA         NA
genx          NA     NA       NA    1         NA
millennial    NA     NA       NA   NA          1
round(cor(fig811, use = "pairwise"), 2) # pairwise case deletion
            year silent babyboom  genx millennial
year        1.00  -0.79    -0.62  0.82       0.17
silent     -0.79   1.00     0.77 -0.35      -0.11
babyboom   -0.62   0.77     1.00  0.57      -0.08
genx        0.82  -0.35     0.57  1.00       0.19
millennial  0.17  -0.11    -0.08  0.19       1.00
round(cor(fig811, use = "complete"), 2) # listwise case deletion
           year silent babyboom genx millennial
year       1.00   0.36     0.79 0.61       0.17
silent     0.36   1.00     0.42 0.15      -0.11
babyboom   0.79   0.42     1.00 0.71      -0.08
genx       0.61   0.15     0.71 1.00       0.19
millennial 0.17  -0.11    -0.08 0.19       1.00

Step 4: introduction to linear models [OPTIONAL]

No-intercept linear model:

summary(lm(socex ~ year - 1, data = fig223))

lm(formula = socex ~ year - 1, data = fig223)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-15.819  -2.500   1.010   6.564  10.970 

      Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
year 0.0089569  0.0008542   10.49 7.81e-11 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 8.759 on 26 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.8088,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.8014 
F-statistic:   110 on 1 and 26 DF,  p-value: 7.815e-11

Breakdown by historical period:

fig223 %>% 
group_by(period) %>% 
  # 'restart' year at 0 in each historical period
  mutate(year = year - min(year)) %>% 
  # coefficients of no-intercept linear models
  summarise(n = n(), beta = coef(lm(socex ~ year - 1)))
# A tibble: 3 × 3
  period          n   beta
  <fct>       <int>  <dbl>
1 (1889,1959]     5 0.0849
2 (1959,1979]    11 1.17  
3 (1979,2016]    11 0.945 


Data source

Lane Kenworthy, Social Democratic Capitalism, Oxford University Press, 2020.

R code to generate the sdc-* datasets

The data come directly from Lane Kenworthy’s website, where it is available as an Excel spreadsheet with many tabs.


# Example 1 -- Fig. 2.5
readxl::read_excel("data/sdc-data.xlsx", sheet = "Fig 2.5") %>% 

# Example 2 -- Fig. 8.11
readxl::read_excel("data/sdc-data.xlsx", sheet = "Fig 8.11") %>% 

# Example 3 -- Fig. 2.23
readxl::read_excel("data/sdc-data.xlsx", sheet = "Fig 2.23") %>% 

Unfortunately, the code to replicate either the actual figures of the book, or the data aggregations that underlie many of the plotted series, is not available. The data sources are well detailed in the book, however.